Your Personal Visual Space is in your hands

Your Personal Visual Space is in your hands

Today's blog is all about reconnecting with this blog space. I am running fast these days so excuse the typos, I just need to get things out of my head and this is my chosen destination. 

What images appear in your mind and hopefully on your walls that stop you and maybe transport you to a beautiful place, or motivates you. What could be more important and EASY to manifest than anything that could balance you out, make you smile or motivate you?

So many walls with a purpose:

Visual Walls - in your home, conjures a feeling that gives you peace somehow. Family photos, vacation trips, friends etc.

Then you have The Buyers Wall - Furniture Buyers have their featured products on a wall in order of sales performance. This wall is a quick visual. (I am visual for sure!!)

Inspiration Wall - For creators like me along with designers, educators, graphic artists and so many more I am sure. 

Manifestation Wall - I hope you have one and keep making new ones every year. Many call this a vision board, have fun with this and THINK BIG. 


So today I was feeling the overwhelm (we all are no?) with my new art card and print line. The orders coming in was expected, but the reality is .... I don't have a word yet. Just Grateful and excited. 

The part that has me uptight is THE SHIPPING. Flashbacks to furniture damage claims manifest into sweat on my brow. Today as I am preparing shipping detail setup, (everything online is AMAZING) I felt the overwhelm, sat  back in my chair and looked up at my INSPIRATION WALL  and I physically felt myself relax and take a deep breath. Your personal visual wall(s) is so critical to those that appreciate that kinda thing:)  It can affect your: mood, energy, brain, mindset.

My biggest 'lesson learned' for 2023 was to TAKE THE ADVICE I WAS GIVING AND APPLY IT TO  MYSELF. That is how I discovered my passion/purpose, but I digress. 

I looked up at my holiday card line wall and immediately exhaled. I was instantly introspective. 

What did I wish I knew 3-4 months ago. I wish I knew all about shipping company CHIT CHATS. If you are a small business, trust me and look them up. 

off to the ONE OF A KIND show. Inspiration is everywhere!!

be kind when you can



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