FUN FACT: I judge you by your art and photos and how you display them LOL

FUN FACT: I judge you by your art and photos and how you display them LOL

HOME: An oasis for regrouping, rebalancing, and connecting with self & family. Essential for mental and emotional well-being. Thoughtful curation helps transform a simple room into a sanctuary where family members can unwind and reconnect, away from the external chaos.

OFFICE: A space to focus, collaborate and regroup. A focal point of creativity, testing and inspiration. A place to get things done and move forward. 

When selecting art for this purpose, consider the following six factors.

1 Color schemes should align with the desired mood—soothing hues like blues and greens promote relaxation.

2 The subject matter should be uplifting or serene, avoiding overly stimulating or distressing imagery.

3 Size and scale of artwork should complement the space not overwhelm it.

4 Texture and material of the art can add depth and interest, creating a more inviting atmosphere.

5 Placement of art should be strategic, enhancing focal points and contributing to the flow of the room.

6 Personal resonance is key; the chosen pieces should hold meaning for the family, fostering a deeper connection and sense of belonging within the space.


Know that rule breaking is allowed. 

Throw some personality into the office space, not just dead quotes on leadership.

YES you can put personal photos on your office and home walls, the bigger the better in some spaces. It is YOUR space and if it brings YOU joy, purpose achieved. 

Interesting side note when deciding on color schemes. Example:  women with red, auburn hair paint their walls and buy their furniture in colors that look lovely with red, auburn hair. This applies to art as well. Know this, if you love pink, buy pink art! Your subconscious mind helps you make choices, believe in yourself, love what you love and have interesting art and photos in your office and home.  

Lastly know that I and others may judge, but if you love it, IT'S A WORK OF ART!


time to paint.....




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