International Woman's Day 2023

International Woman's Day 2023

The women before us fought for greater equality, now we must strive for ... equality period. WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG? Why are women not paid the same as their male counterparts in 2023? I don't get it.

*Women were only 'allowed' to get a credit card in their own name as of 1974,

let that sink in.

Women have been socialized to second guess their abilities, to stay small, doubt themselves, be self conscious. The thing is the world needs your expertise. Future generations (of men and women) will thank you for the the growing quality of gender roles you help create.

Stop underestimating and then second guessing yourself. You are qualified and your only goal at this point is to step outside your comfort zone and begin again with confidence. If you are not sure how, just hire a coach and proceed REGARDLESS of self

#equality for everyone


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