Perfectionism BE GONE!

Perfectionism BE GONE!



It would be impossible for me to move forward most days if my perfectionism gene was not kept in check. It has been FREEING to say the least now that I have kicked that bucket to the curb. I sat down with myself and understood the WHY of perfectionism. Why are so many women compelled to strive for perfectionism in most aspects of their life and career, when it becomes a stumbling block for development? Most times we are just focused on the wrong thing at the wrong time. 

Keeping the bigger picture in mind, I finally noticed that I was always gathering intel. I did this to prepare for when I would teach it to others. I was always thinking ahead as if I was writing everything out as a procedure.

I finally began applying the teaching to MY ACTUAL SELF. 

Quickly to follow, a reality check on matters of importance and decision making. What matters right now? Setting up my online store.... and welcoming you in. Perfectionism be damned.

PS I guess this is my first blog post :)




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