I am accepted into a trending art pop up shop in July!

I am accepted into a trending art pop up shop in July!

JULY 26  |  
At Revival Bar 783 College Street


Come experience one of the largest pop-up art movements to hit North America over the past decade. Celebrating over 14 years of serving FREE PANCAKES and introducing you to some of the nation's leading emerging artists.

ABOUT The Pancakes & Booze Art Show: The LA based event originated in 2009 and has since popped up more than 500 times in 35+ cities around Europe & North America.

Batter sizzles, beer foams, and canvas lines the walls from ceiling to floor as hundreds, sometimes thousands, of revelers indulge in endless pancakes.

This is no stuffy wine-and-cheese, pretentious, someone-gag-me art event. It’s an innovative reimagining of the art show concept. A welcoming vibe for up-and-coming artists to sell and strut their stuff in a free verse, anything goes environment.

Come visit me as I continue to explore the art world and my place in it. 

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