KEEP GOING - From my personal vault.

KEEP GOING - From my personal vault.

From My Personal Vault:

When exploring art in my 20's I asked an abstract artist, 'what does it mean' and his reply was 'it means whatever you want it to mean'. I never forgot that. 

When inquiring about art and emotion in my 30's, I was told that 'if the product brings joy or connection of some sort to the viewer, it has achieved it's purpose'. I never forgot that. 

When asking about art and color theory in my 40's I asked fashion designer Alexander Julien how he choose his unique color combinations. His reply 'if it's fond together in nature, it works' I never forgot that. 

When scrutinizing passion in my 50's, I was asked 'what would you jump out of bed to do, early on a Saturday morning, your passion lies in the answer".  I never forgot that. 

Now that I am seeking fulfillment, I asked myself "what and who really matters in life?" That answer is where you will commit most of your time going forward as/if you continue to evolve. 



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