About Me

About Me

Jan Saulnier Art was born out of a quest for purpose.

After leaving my amazing career, I grabbed my courage and began life as an entrepreneur. I continued with what I knew and loved, leadership training.

Branching out into women’s retreats was my focus for year 2. I was ready to launch my first REWILDING WOMEN'S RETREAT. As fate would have it, 2020 threw a curveball with the onset of the pandemic, disrupting plans for the first women's retreat in my beloved Nova Scotia. I was crushed.

When I followed my own advice as a life/sales/courage coach, I slowed down, went inward and embarked on a journey. I did a simple art therapy painting session and the painting was a reflection of my life. I think I may post about the actual details so it is available. NEXT, I went online and listened to a 15 minute pre-recorded hypnotherapy session, all by myself, right there in my living room, (Marissa Peer, free, online) and the after effects were more like aftershocks! I regained so much clarity of my past life. Monumental. and by the way it is so simple, ask me how… Art Therapy = BAM Passion uncovered, purpose ignited. 

I can't help myself. I now coach for free by reminding anyone who asks to contemplate the following when thinking of big change: uncover what the worst thing that could happen could be? If you can handle that, then focus on what would happen if it all went right? We all know what to do, so why are we not doing it is the real question. I digress.... Now grab your courage and take action.

Looking back, the signs were always there—my admiration / obsession for the likes of Rembrandt, DaVinci, Van Gogh, and the revolutionary genius of Picasso and cubism hinted at a deeper connection to art waiting to be explored.

Despite a career that led me down different paths including managing 2 art galleries, my fascination with art remained constant. It wasn't until my final year of an art degree at the University of British Columbia that I was able to choose any bird course for the required amount of credits and landed on Art History. The fascination with art kicked into 2nd gear at this point. This just meant exploring more galleries and reading more about art, nothing else. Isn’t that crazy, the thought of picking up a paint brush never entered my mind my entire life….until 2022

Finding Inspiration

Throughout my life, I've been drawn to the captivating allure of art. Each artistic movement has left an indelible mark on my creative soul. Managing galleries fueled my love for curating and showcasing talent, while my professional endeavors provided me with invaluable experiences that shape my artistic vision today. Followed by a career in hard and soft sales, retail and wholesale, nationwide conventions, trade shows, fabrics, color, leather, manufacturing, training, coaching, airport after airport brought me to this time on the planet, right here in this art space, and I am not going back.


Jan Saulnier

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